Randall Lee Gibson, 1870s, after his election to Congress as a Democrat from Louisiana. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.
Hart Gibson, Randall’s younger brother and a noted breeder of Kentucky Thoroughbreds, in Confederate cavalry uniform. Courtesy of Cowan’s Auctions, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio.
William Jasper Spencer in his casket, Johnson County, Kentucky, 1937. Courtesy of Freda Spencer Goble.
Logging in a mountain hollow, Johnson County, Kentucky. Courtesy of Val McKenzie.
Stephen R. Wall of Rockingham, North Carolina, who freed his slave children to be raised in Ohio by radical Quaker abolitionists. Courtesy of the Charles Dean Collection, Archives & Special Collections, J.D. Williams Library, University of Mississippi.
Orindatus Simon Bolivar Wall, in Joseph T. Wilson, ‘The Black Phalanx: A History of the Negro Soldiers’ of the United States (1890). Courtesy of the Ohio Historical Society.